
Mrs Steele or Miss Ruddick will manage parent queries and direct them to the appropriate member of staff.  If emailing please mark your query for the attention of Mrs Hart, Headteacher, or specific staff members by name, and we will be happy to help.
Corbridge Church of England First School
St Helen's Lane
NE45 5JQ
Google Maps link here.
Tel: 01434 632534
SEND Contact Miss Louise Storey
Tel: 01434 632534
Please contact us  on the number above or email us if you wish to find out more about our school.  Should you require a paper copy or large print of any information on our website, we will be happy to provide this to you free of charge.
Mrs Suzanne Hart        Executive Head Teacher                   
Mrs Emma Sanderson Deputy Head Teacher
Miss Louise Storey SENDCO Contact
Mrs Susan Steele Office Manager
Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) are Mrs S Hart and Mrs E Sanderson

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Corbridge C of E Aided First School,
St Helen's Lane,
Corbridge, Northumberland,
NE45 5JQ