Useful websites and resources to support learning

Dear parents/ carers
I've started to compile a useful list of resources and websites that you may find useful to support your child as they progress through Reception. 
Our main aim is that each child is healthy, happy and learns to the very best of their own ability. In the Early Years we believe that young children learn best through play, therefore we follow a play based curriculum- teaching fundamental skills in an informal and enjoyable way. 
 Phonics and Reading
We use Read, Write, Inc a scheme by Ruth Miskin. This is a systematic approach to phonics, where individual sounds are learned in order before using them to build up in to words for early reading. 
Ruth Miskins Read, Write Inc website is full of additional information for you to browse through We start at the beginning of the year with phase 2- set 1 sounds then progress onto set 2 sounds. 
Reading Eggs and Oxford Owls are fantastic websites to support early writing. Oxford Owls also have an excellent free ebook library for 3-11 year olds.  Phonics Play is a fun online website where children play games to support their learning of phonics- we play phase 2 games in school.
In Maths we use a range of resources to support early maths skills as we want children to have a deep understanding of mathematical concepts early on. We use Number Blocks and White Rose Maths to support learning. Numbers are so much more than simply counting in rote, children need to understand the concept of what a number is, e.g. 5 is 2+3, 4+1, 1 less than 6, 5 less than 10 etc. They will explore all of the different ways a number can be made with numicon, blocks etc. How can we explore it with the Part Whole Model. What does the numeral 5 look like? How does it look on a dice? What is the 5p coin like? Can we tally it? What is 1 more than/ 1 less than a number? 
 Gross and Fine Motor Skills
Motor skills- practice running, hopping, skipping and jumping. Climbing on top of, under and around obstacles. Ride scooters and bikes to improve core stability and balance. 
Fine motor skills are also a continuing learning journey throughout EYFS as little hands and fingers have to develop and become strong enough to hold and manipulate writing tools for later life. 
I've attached a handy booklet of activities to use as support, however lots of play with playdough, threading, beads and Lego will hugely help in this area also.
 Basic life skills- children should practice;
Putting on their own coat and shoes
washing their own hands
use the toilet independently
ask for help when they need it
using a knife and fork
We will ALWAYS help your child with ALL of these things, while we support them developing the skills to do it themselves in the future. 
I will continue to add to this page as the year progresses and as I find more useful resources and websites.