Harvest Festival - St Andrew's Church

11th October 2024

We are excited to celebrate our Harvest Festival in Church this autumn term. We are inviting all parents to join us on Friday 11th October at 1:30pm at St Andrew's Church, Corbridge. We will enjoy a short service led by the ministry team, with the children singing some of our favourite harvest songs. Children can be dismissed from church if you attend. Nursery children will not be attending the church service, as they finish their school day at 12.45pm.

We are asking for donations of non perishable items to be provided which we can donate to the The West Northumberland Foodbank.

Suggested Items are:

  • Tinned meat/fish
  • Tinned vegetables/tomatoes
  • Tinned fruit or desserts
  • Rice/noodles/tinned or instant potatoes
  • Breakfast cereals/biscuits
  • Fruit squash/pop/coffee/sugar 
  • Baby foods/nappies (size 5/6)/baby wipes
  • Toothpaste/deodorant/toilet roll/shampoo/shower gel
  • Washing powder/washing up liquid

If you are able to donate please can the children bring their donations into school on the morning of Friday 11th October.

Thanks in advance for any donations you can make.